Sorry summer TV has been a bummer outside of Entourage and Mad Men. It's now September which means pools close in Maryland and no more big budget movies. NFL is back on Thursday!!! (Fantasy post later today) Also, it's time for the major networks to roll out there new shows. CW is this week, NBC is next week, and ABC/CBS the following week. FOX tiered their premieres but you can do that when you have 12 hours of week to program and very little of it is new stuff. I'll break down TV into 3 categories moving month:
DVR it - put it on or tape it if you can't see it
For you, maybe - some shows I just don't particularly like (CSI) but I know some people love it
Why? - who paid for this show to be on TV
DVR it
Melrose Place Tuesday at 9 on CW
It's back after going on hiatus since I was in high school, the drama-fights-scandal return to the CW and I'll be watching as they've had the best advertisements of any new shows so let's see if the product can back it up
Glee Wednesday at 9 on Fox
You probably remember this is the show that came on after Idol in the spring, the dramedy based on a real life "High School Musical" is here now for good as one of the best ideas to come along in awhile, so we'll have a TV show that can sell songs, albums, go on tour, and get ratings must be those people at FOX again
Jay Leno Show 9/14 and every night at 10 on NBC
The late night man himself is back and all of Hollywood is rooting against him because he chewed up 5 hours of what could be scripted TV on NBC, his first show features Seinfeld and Kanye so you can bet I'll be watching, if this works watch ABC who hasn't made good TV in awhile go after Oprah for their 10 PM slot next fall
Gossip Girl 9/14, next Monday, at 9 on CW
The girls are all grown up and are heading to college, can I just say that Josh Schwartz is a genius (Chuck, OC, Gossip Girl) although we shall see how the producers deal with not having all the main characters at the same school and we all know that this could be the last season for Leighton and Chace as their careers have taken off because of this show
Vampie Diaries Thursday 8 on CW
The best new show on CW follows vampire in high school so it's sure to be a hit with the Twilight and True Blood crowds but like many quality CW shows before viewers will be a challenge on Thursday night going against Bones and Survivor
For you-maybe
So You Think You Can Dance Wednesday 8 on FOX - going up against Barack's health care speech this week, but for Idol fans when there is no Idol
90210 Tuesday 8 on CW - ridiculously hot girls make this one bearable
Sons of Anarchy Tuesday 9 on FX - no clue, but its back on the air so somebody is watching it
America's Next Top Model Wednesday 9 on CW - Tyra Banks makes fun of skinny girls
Supernatural Thursday 9 on CW - Superman the TV show
America's Most Wanted Saturday 9 on FOX - I'm all for catching bad guys
Cops Saturday 8 on FOX - Don't we have YouTube for this now
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