Fame (Rotten Tomatoes 27%)
Remake of the 1980 movie, singing and dancing kids, bad reviews, but I guarantee a ton of people will see it, but I won't be one of them
Pandorum (Rotten Tomatoes 39%)
Bourne Identity in space, where two guys wake up in space and have no memory,
Surrogates (Rotten Tomatoes 40%)
Bruce Willis is a real human being in a future filled with fake ones trying to solve a murder
I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell (Rotten Tomatoes 22%)
A bachelor party ruins two guys friendship and spends the 2nd half of the movie trying to save it
Capitalism, A Love Story (Rotten Tomates 73%)
Michael Moore is back in role he's great at ala Roger & Me and Fahrenheit 9/11 as he investigates the recent stock market crash and the rise of the corporation in America, I'm in
Coco Before Chanel (Rotten Tomaotes 66%)
For all the girls who love fashion the story of Chanel's rise to power through her hat sales
Six Barbell Picks For A Turbulent Market
6 minutes ago