A 4 year old company based out of Fremont, CA. Solyndra manufactures a propietary thin film photovoltaic (PV) panels and hardware to generate solar power. Solyndra received $535 million dollar loan in early March and looks to be a growth company in the years to come as solar panels become the norm on all buildings. Keep an eye out for the IPO in years to come because once they acheive economies of scale they'll be printing money
Nordic Windpower
After 20 years of R&D in Sweden this company has come to the forefront of windpower. They are SF based company that is slowly making its way into the mainstream marketplace. Windpower is only 20% efficient, but is highly effective in middle America. It will be a part of the solution
Beacon Power
This MA based energy storage company is a spinoff of SatCon in 1997. The company uses a flywheel-based regulation service to store wind and solar power for utilities to use. Beacon got $43 million in early July to apply put their research and facilities on the fast track.
An electric car sports car company based out of San Carlos already has 260 employees. $465 million dollars from the DOE in June is going to go along way into getting down the prices of their lithium ion batteries. Elon Musk is on the right track here witha 300 mile rang and 45 minute quickcharge for a 0-60 electric car at 3.6 seconds for his $109,000 roadster. The Model S comes out in less than 2 years and for $50,000 it's our country's best bet to stay in the forefront of automobiles.
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