Why is it that summer TV is so bad? I never got why the networks just laid down and said it's summertime, no new TV for everybody. In business, you want to be constantly putting your companies in the minds of your clients. Why wouldn't NBC want to put on quality shows so that maybe I'd have a better shot at watching their shows in the Fall. By taking a quick peek at last week's Nielsen's: reality TV is dominating along with reruns of L&O plus CSI x 3. Can't the networks come up with anything better. Maybe a best of their libraries all summer or movies every night. With all the money that is going to the people who run these TV stations you'd think somebody might take the road less traveled and go big, but don't hold your breathe for it.
At least we have Entourage on HBO. It's only 22 minutes a week but its appointment viewing for myself and just about everybody in this town. Plus, this new show Hung is great on HBO that comes on as well on Sundays. If you are not watching this show, you should be.
In the next weeks, I'll fill you in on some new shows premiering in September by running through a couple of networks a week leading up until the time your DVR goes to work. New highly anticipated shows I'll fill you in on are: Community (NBC), Cougar Town (ABC), Glee (FOX), and Modern Family (ABC). This looks to be a weak year for newbies, but you never know.
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