Top Gear - season premiere in on Monday on BBC, always heard good things so I'll throw it on the Tivo
Top Chef: Las Vegas - recommended to me by my friend who cooks (I still can't) , it's funemployment why not Wednesday night on Bravo
Projcet Runway: Los Angeles - it's on Lifetime now and girls sweat this show hardcore, OK I use to live with 2 girls and have to admit I get it, but it's not for me
Jockeys - a new reality show about you guessed it "Jockeys" on Animal Planet on Friday nights, enough said
Extreme Bodies - Saturday on Discovery with a show about tall people this week, I can only imagine the next shows will be about
And I couldn't resist on this one, the Food Network gave Brian Boitano a cooking show? There are really way too many programming hours in a week just look at the list above. I know it's summer time, but yuck. This would be a good week to rent some old DVD's of past seasons television like Mad Men, Prison Break, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, and maybe even Homicide: Life On The Street.
Don't worry Fall TV previews begin next week because this post is as short as the average lifespan of a new TV show.
Fixed Rate Preferred Stocks Complete Review: PFF Vs. PFFA
23 minutes ago