I'll take both, please. This week has a lot of new movies for everybody to choose from.
District 9 - Reminds me a lot of Cloverfield. No stars and great viral marketing. It looks like the movie will do $30 million and make back all of the money it cost to make in just 3 days.
The Time Traveler's Wife - Odd movie concept where a man literally drops in and out of somebody's life. The guy is married to Rachel McAdams in the movie, why would you ever leave her side?
The Cove - documentary on Japanese fishherman killing dolphins for tuna, I love tuna so I don't think I can make this one
The Good: Live Hard, Sell Hard - Jeremy Piven plays "Ari" in a movie about car salesman, the previews look like it'll be a funny flick, plus it has the writers from Talladega Nights
Bandslam - Vanessa Hudgens of HSM fame gets upset with the boys to start her own band, see-able for the little kids
Ponyo - animated Disney movie, need I really say anymore
Celts hail 'old reliable' Horford after rivalry win
23 minutes ago