Now that funemployment has begun, I've taken up blogging to keep me in touch with the world. I will attempt to do 2 posts a day every day for your reading pleasure. I will blog about topics not blogging to blog so my writing is precise and not all over the place. Nothing personal is on here, so don't expect crazy Hollywood stories or for your name to show up here if we hang out. For those of you reading this know me personally know that my passions are diverse and I'll blog accordingly. I'll keep the following blogging schedule effective next week.
Monday: Fantasy Baseball & TV
Tuesday: Music and Baseball
Wednesday: Business and Green
Thursday: Videos from the Web and Movies
Friday: OFF
For this week, push everything ahead one day. Feel free to e-mail if you like or if it blows too.
Fixed Rate Preferred Stocks Complete Review: PFF Vs. PFFA
34 minutes ago